National Silver Academy Courses by SACE


As part of the newly established National Silver Academy, the Singapore Association for Continuing Education (SACE), the parent body of U3A Singapore, has launched these 20 short courses:

  1. Qi Gong Meditation Techniques
  2. Applied Psychology for Third Realities of Aging   Agers
  3. Mindfulness for Well-Being
  4. Video Stories
  5. Art Appreciation Journey
  6. Starting a Small Business*
  7. Brain Gym for Mental Fitness
  8. Rewriting Life Scripts
  9. Creativity by Mature Minds
  10. Relationship Management for Third Agers
  11. Management Skills*Emotional & Psychological
  12. Introduction to Playwriting*
  13. Yoga for Third Agers
  14. Photo Stories
  15. Financial Planning for Retirement
  16. Choir Singing Voice Training*
  17. Second Career Planning*
  18. Job Interview Skills for Third Agers*
  19. Workplace Relationship
  20. Wise Leadership*



* These courses are eligible for SkillsFuture Credit funding.  

These courses will be conducted over the period June to December 2016 with registrations commencing on 4 May. Singaporeans and PRs aged 50+ may attend at specially reduced NPA fees.

Two preview sessions of the NSA Courses by SACE will be held at Chinatown Point on 14 and 28 May 2016, 2.30 pm – 5pm.