Osaka U3A International Conference 2016


A delegation of seven U3A Singapore Members attended the Osaka U3A International Conference held at the Asia-Pacific Trade Centre Halls, Osaka in Japan. This was organised by U3A Japan in concurrence with the 7th U3A Asia Pacific Alliance (APA) International Conference and the 99th International Association of U3As (AIUTA/IAUTA) Governing Board Meeting and International Conference. The delegation included President Goh Kim Seng and VP Irene Wee, the latter presenting an innovative skit on “The Future is Here” to illustrate the dual path of ‘Gratitude’ and ‘Love’, the key ingredients for bridging intergeneration understanding and bonding needed to venture ‘Confidently’ into the future. Our national show of gratitude by the masses that lined our streets on the passing of Singapore’s Founding Father Lee Kuan Yew’s labour of love over the last 50 years was cited as an example. U3A Singapore also published a full-colour booklet to introduce U3A Singapore to to the world assembly of U3As which included AIUTA President Prof Francoise Vellas from France, APA President Rhonda Weston from Australia, and delegates from many European countries, as well as India, China and host country Japan.